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About Us

"Josh and Shanna live in Phoenix, AZ. We have created this blog as a way to stay in touch with our family and friends that have been spread across the country. As you will find out...We absolutely love our English Mastiff, Beckett! You'll be seeing a lot of him on here :)"

Is this for real?!?!?

This may look like a nice jumper from the 80s, but don’t be fooled, this is the swim wear of choice for the Dugger Family from 18 kids and counting. I could not help but laugh, and I mean belly laugh at the most recent episode when the girls were sliding down a “redneck” slip n’ slide in these swim jumpers. I secretly love this show because appreciate their values and simplicity, but I can’t help but mock some of their choices. When a 12 year old states of cable TV that they order these swim suits especially because they are a fashionable choice, my heart hurt for her!!! However, if you are in the market for a very modest swimsuit, check out wholesome swimwear.

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  • Blogger The Moores says so:
    October 6, 2009 at 12:15 PM  

    I have never watched this show but this swimwear is hilarious. I shared that site with some friends and we had a good laugh. Too bad I didn't know about it back in high school swim class! lol top

  • Blogger Sara says so:
    October 11, 2009 at 6:28 PM  

    I didn't see the swimsuits on the show (we don't have TV), but I did the link on their website. I like a lot of stuff about their family, but this is a little over the top. One thing that has always bugged me about families that are ULTRA modest is that the men/boys get to dress fashionably and normal and yet the girls look dumb and unfashionable. Someone with some fashion experience needs to create a line of modest clothing for these poor girls! =) top